Don't let complexity drive your AI projects.
Drive your AI projects with innovation, not complexity.

New Standards in AI-Native App Development

Open Innovation Unleashed

TaskingAI brings Firebase's simplicity to AI-native app development. Start your project by selecting an LLM model, build a responsive assistant supported by stateful APIs, and enhance its capabilities with managed memory, tool integrations, and augmented generation system.

Next-Gen Solutions for
LLM Application Development

TaskingAI offers a user-friendly UI, in a framework with separated front-end and back-end.
Ideal to all developers for efficient, flexible LLM app development.
Sleek and Intuitive Console
Integrated with tool invocation and knowledge retrieval.
Comprehensive Client SDK
REST API, Python, TypeScript, and more in the future.
Adaptable Model Integration
Integrate with leading LLM providers to ensure broad compatibility.
Quick Start
Kickstart your LLM application quickly with TaskingAI's extensive resources.

Why TaskingAI Stands Out

Old Solutions: Knotted Know-How

The redundant framework intertwine normal feature development and AI workflow, leading to low productivity

TaskingAI: Decoupled Dynamics

TaskingAI keep development separate from workflow, ensuring a cloud-based, smooth environment

APIs for Developers:
Simplify Your Workflow

Experience the ease of building stateful assistants and executing asynchronous operations with our developer-friendly APIs.
chat_completion_result = taskingai.inference.chat_completion( model_id="YOUR_MODEL_ID", messages=[ SystemMessage("You are a professional assistant."), UserMessage("Hi"), ] )
taskingai.assistant.create_message( assistant_id=assistant.assistant_id, chat_id=chat.chat_id, text="What is the weather like?" ) taskingai.assistant.generate_message( assistant_id=assistant.assistant_id, chat_id=chat.chat_id, system_prompt_varibales={ "user_location": "New York" } )
collection = taskingai.retrieval.create_collection( embedding_model_id=embedding_model_id, capacity=1000, ) record: Record = taskingai.retrieval.create_record( collection_id=collection.collection_id, content="Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence...", text_splitter=TokenTextSplitter(chunk_size=200, overlap_size=20), )
assistant = taskingai.assistant.create_assistant( model_id="YOUR_MODEL_ID", memory=AssistantNaiveMemory(), tools=[AssistantTool( type=AssistantToolType.ACTION, id=action_id, )], retrievals=[AssistantRetrieval( type=AssistantRetrievalType.COLLECTION, id=collection_id, )], )
chunks = taskingai.retrieval.query_chunks( collection_id="YOUR_COLLECTION_ID", query_text="Machine learning is ...", top_k=3 )
chat_completion = await a_chat_completion( model_id="YOUR_MODEL_ID", messages=[ SystemMessage("You are a professional assistant."), UserMessage("Count from 1 to 50"), ] )

TaskingAI's Edge Over Others

TaskingAI excels with unlimited collaboration, open-source adaptability, and a scalable, API-centric architecture for seamless AI integration and enhanced privacy.
OpenAI Assistant API
Project Members
Workspace roles
Admin only
Admin only
Admin & Collaborators
Open Source
Closed Source
Open Source
Retrieval System
Rely on 3rd-Party
Assistant Integrated Only
Tool Integration
Multiple LLM Providers
Custom Memory
Multi-Tenant Project
Local Deployment

Roadmap: A Path to Open Innovation

Discover TaskingAI's roadmap, a strategic plan guiding us towards open-source expansion and feature-rich enhancements in AI technology.


Initial Reveal
TaskingAI’s official debut, showcasing its state-of-the-art AI-native app development platform.


Open Accessibility
TaskingAI’s client SDK and REST API Reference released to the open-source community.


Full-stack Deployment
Incorporating Docker enables straightforward deployment of the full-stack TaskingAI, with 100% of the source code open-sourced.


App by TaskingAI
Unveiling open-source applications developed by TaskingAI, with community engagement.


Upgraded Features
We continuously integrate new features and innovations, shaped by community feedback and the latest in AI technology.

Empower Your AI Vision With TaskingAI

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